Monday, June 16, 2008

Word of Mouth Genius

PR post: Todd Defren's blog "PR-Squared" is my favorite PR blog, possibly my favorite blog period. He has great insights for the future of PR, with an emphasis on social media.

I have to ask the same question Defren did, "Is BzzAgent Dave Balter a Genius?"

Balter has written "The Word of Mouth Manuel, Volume II."

The book is $45 and limited copies were printed.

My initial thoughts: "$45 bucks! And there's only a few printed, what's he trying to pull?"


Balter asked 20 popular bloggers (Defren being one of them) to post about his book. On the 20 selected bloggers post there is a link to get the entire book for FREE!

My fully informed thoughts: Genius, pure genius.

My PR friends (or anyone else for that matter) go to Defen's blog, click on the link to download the book or just click here. I'd also recommend that you add Defren's blog to your RSS feed.

I've just skimmed the first few pages and I'm planning on reading it through.

I really have to hand it to Balter, he is promoting his book through the means he is discussing. Pretty smooth, pretty smooth.


Unknown said...

Hi Sarah - Thanks very much for the kind words about my blog!

(But FYI it's Defren, not Defron) ;)

Sarah T. said...

Thanks for checking my blog out and noted.

(I can't believe I made such a dumb mistake.)

Unknown said...

No worries. I really do appreciate the kind words. Good luck and keep at it.

jo said...

Hey! Congrats on the mission call! I love Arizona for more reasons than one. And I think you'll love Christmas there. Eat an orange straight off the tree for me.

And also... thank you for perpetuating the writing of hand written letters by going on a mission. I know that was your ultimate reason for going. :)